Piece: Unlimited Cruise is a video game for the Nintendo Wii based on the
manga/anime series One Piece. The game is different to its predecessor as being
released in multiple episodes, where as One Piece: Unlimited Adventure was
released as a single game. Episode 1 was released in Japan on September 11,
2008, with the second and last episode released February 26, 2009. Episodes 1
and 2 have also been released in Europe on June 19, 2009 and September 25, 2009
respectively. One Piece Unlimited Cruise SP is an enhanced port of both
episodes for the Nintendo 3DS on a single cartridge.[1]
System requirements: :
- Processor : Core2Duo Core2Quad i3 i5 i7 AMD Phenom II
- Video Card : Nvidia or Radeon 256 mb
§ Memory : 1 GB or
§ Operating System: XP Vista
§ Hard disk space: 2,3
§ DirectX9 or higher
Cara memainkan game wii nih
- EKSTRAK FOLDER DALAM SATU FOLDER dan akan terlihat One Piece: Unlimited Cruise epd 1 Yang Bertipe File wbfs
- Harus mengkonverter dari wbfs ke iso / cso Nama Aplikasinya WiiBackupManager0.3.5-beta1
- Kalau Engga File nih ga bakal ke baca oleh dholpin
Cara Mengkonverter Dari WBfs ke cso / iso
- Buka Aplikasi WiiBackupManager0.3.5-beta1 , add File - Pilih One Piece: Unlimited Cruise epd 1 Yang Bertipe File wbfs , Khusus Link IDWS
- Setelah itu pilih Transfer - ISO , Saya Lebih Merekomendasikan Ke CISO
- Dan pilih di mana kamu mau menyimpan hasil konverter wbfs ke iso/ciso
- Download Dolphin Emulator disini
- FILE - BROWSER FOR ISO - PILIH FILE Dimana Kamu menyimpan hasil konverternya
- dan play game , apabila ada kekurangan saya mohon maaf
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gan kok filenya telah dtu2p oleh server,, kga bsa ddonlot,, mhon pncerahan gan,,,
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